In review or revision

23. Wooster, E.I.F.; Lundgren, E.J.; Nimmo, D.G.; et al.. Nakagawa, S#.; Gaynor K.M#. Behavioural plasticity stabilises predator-prey overlap under human disturbance. Nature Ecology & Evolution. In revision.

22. Wooster, E.I.F.; Jolly, C.J; Nimmo, D.G.; Des Roches, S.; Ashton B.J.; Cantor, M.; Carthey A.J.R.; Kopf, R.K.; Stanton, L.A.; Whiting, M.J.; Ritchie, E.G.; Gaynor K.M. Human induced traits shifts reshape predator-prey interactions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. In review.

21. Gaynor, K.M.; Wooster, E.I.F.; Martinig, A.; Green, J.; Chen, A.; Cuadros, S.; Gill, R.; Khanal, G.; Love, N.; Marcus, R.; Mills, CL.; Wrensford, K.C.;  Wright, N.S.; Mezzini, S.; Marley, Jessa.; Noonan, M.J. The human shield hypothesis: does predator avoidance of humans create refuges for prey? Ecology Letters. In revision.

20. Cowan, M.A; Wooster, E.I.F.; Gibson, L.A.; Setterfield, S.A.; Dunlop, J.A.; Nimmo, D.G. Mining influences animal communities at a local and landscape scale. Biological Conservation. In revision.

19. Linley, G.D; Jolly, C.J; Wooster, E.I.F.; Cowan, M.A; Geary, W.L de Laive, A; Michael, D.R; Richie, E.R; Spencer, E.E; Nimmo, D.G. The impact of gigafire on animal habitat, abundance, and diel activity. Oikos. In revision.


18. Wooster, E.I.F. (In press) Evolution in permanently invaded ecosystems. Nature Reviews Biodiversity.

17. Julliard, L.; Wooster, E.I.F.; Zawada, K.; Ramp, D. (In press) Heatwaves intensify predation risk. Animal Behaviour.

16. Bruce, T.; Luskin, M.; and 190 co-authors featuring Wooster E.I.F. (2025). Large-scale and long-term wildlife monitoring using camera traps: a continental synthesis. Biological Reviews.

15. Wooster, E.I.F.; Middleton, O.; Wallach, A.D.; Ramp, D.; Harris, V.K.; Rowan, J.; Schowanek, S.D.; Gordon, C.E.; Svenning, J.C.; Davis, M.; Scharlemann, J.P.W.; Nimmo D.G; Lundgren, E.J.; Sandom, C.J. (2024). Australia’s recently established predators restore complexity to food webs simplified by extinction. Current Biology. Highlighted Article – Dispatch article written by Oswald Schmitz.

14. Wooster, E.I.F.; Lundgren, E.J.; Rowan, J.; Balisi, M.; Svenning, J.C.; Scharlemann, J.P.W.; Sandom, C.J. et al. (2024). The functional traits of the worlds late quaternary mammalian terrestrial predators. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

13. Linley, G.D; Jolly, C.J; Wooster, E.I.F.; Cowan, M.A; Geary, W.L de Laive, A; Michael, D.R; Richie, E.R; Spencer, E.E; Nimmo, D.G. Terrestrial Fauna show widespread resilience to gigafire. Journal of Applied Ecology.

12. Wooster, E.I.F.; Nimmo, D.G. (2024). Functional trait databases for Macrobehaviour. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

11. Wooster, E.I.F.; Ramp, D.; Lundgren, E.J.; Ben-Ami, D.; Bonsen, G.T.; Carroll S.; Carthey, A.J.R; Geisler-Edge, A.; Keynan O.; Olek, Y.; O’Neill, A.J.; Shanas, U.; Wallach, A.D. (2024). Prey responses to foxes are not determined by nativeness. Ecography.

10. Wooster, E.I.F.; Gaynor, K.M.; Carthey, A.J.R.; Wallach, A.D.; Stanton, L.A.; Ramp, D.; Lundgren E.J. (2023) Animal cognition and culture mediate predator-prey interactions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

 9. Wallach, A.D.; Ramp, D.; Benítez A.; Wooster, E.I.F.; Avidor, E.; Ben-Ami, D.; Carrol S.; Carthey A.; Keynan O.; Olek Y.; O’Neill A.J.; Svenning J.C.; Rogers E.; Shanas U.; Lundgren E.J. (2023). Savviness of prey to introduced predators. Conservation Biology.

8. Wooster, E.I.F.; Ramp, D.; Lundgren, E.J.; O’Neill, A.J.; Bonsen, G.T.; Yanco E.; Wallach, A.D. (2022). Predator protection dampens the landscape of fear. Oikos.

7. Lundgren, E.J.; Ramp, D.; Middleton O.; Wooster, E.I.F.; Balisi, M.; Ripple, W.J.; Hasslerharm C.; Mills M.; Sanchez S.; Wallach, A.D. (2022). A novel trophic cascade between cougars and donkeys shapes desert wetlands. Journal of Animal EcologyEditor’s choice. Covered by 64 new outlets.

6. Bonsen, G.T.; Wallach, A.D.; Ben-Ami, D.; Keynan, O.; Khalileh, A.; Wooster, E.I.F.; Ramp, D. (2022). Tolerance of wolves shapes desert canid communities in the Middle East. Global Ecology and Conservation.

5. Wooster, E.I.F.; Fleck, R.; Torpy, F.; Ramp, D.; Irga, P. (2022). Green roofs improve metropolitan biodiversity: a comparative case study. Building and Environment.

4. Fleck R.; Saddeh, S.; Pettit, T; Wooster, E.I.F.; Torpy, F.; Irga, P. (2022). Green roofs to manage urban microclimates: a comparative case study from Sydney, Australia. Building and Environment.

3. Wooster, E.I.F.; Ramp, D.; Lundgren, E.J.; O’Neill, A.J.; Wallach, A.D. (2021). Red foxes avoid apex predation without increases in fear. Behavioral Ecology.

2. Brown, A.; Wooster, E.I.F.; Norval, G.; Gardner, M.G.; Ueland, M. (2020). The attempted predation of a sand goanna (Varanus gouldii) by a juvenile red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Austral Ecology.

1. Wooster, E.I.F.; Wallach, A.D.; Ramp, D. (2019). The Wily and Courageous Red Fox: Behavioural Analysis of a Mesopredator at Resource Points Shared by an Apex Predator. Animals, 9, 907.